@aegis_kleais: Wow! There's nothing like cutting your nose off to spite your face!
I've not played F76 and from what I've read it doesn't look at all good and has not gone down at all well with gamers (I only play SP games so was never going to buy it even though I love the earlier Fallout games), but The Elder Scrolls games? Like Skyrim? That was a superb game. The first RAGE was very well received, though not a huge seller. Doom was supposed to be excellent and reviewed very well, as did Dishon(u)red 1, though maybe not D2. Prey, yeah fine, that didn't review particularly well.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I get really annoyed about really poor, or really buggy games coming out, but you're turning down what could be many hundreds of hours of fun there just because of 1 poor games release...
I'd forgotten all about this game. Looks excellent!
I loved XCOM EU / EW and poured probably 100 hours into it, though I never got round to getting XCOM 2. I loved that strategy bit, and like the way this goes from exploration, to a stealthy recce phase, before the battle starts up. XCOM sometimes used to get on my nerves the way you sent a trooper to take cover at a corner and BANG!! 6 enemy grunts saw you and ran for cover.
This is going straight onto my Christmas list, after RDR2 and Forza Horizon 4.
Overcooked was just free with Games with Gold so I tried it - and really didn't understand the great reviews. I mean, it was cute and smooth yeh, but was really lacking in gameply imo. Walk here, chop this, put it there, walk here, pick up this, put it down again. Just seemed a bit of a chore to me...
@Pyrosa: Agree about the Bureau. Hugely underrated imo. Alright, it had a few problems but it was a different idea and I thought it worked very well. It was very tough when things got a little bit hectic but while you kept the fight under control I thought it was great fun.
I realise this was reviewed on pc, but any idea about the frame rate? I played a lot of JC3 and had a lot of fun (at least an 8 imo) but by far the worst bit about the game, and the thing that seemed to be brought up more than anything else, was the dreadful slow down when you blew up more than 2 or 3 things simultaneously, which was, after all, the point of the game.
It sometimes dropped to about 4 or 5 fps during busy bits on the One and I don't think it was much better on the PS4...
@uninspiredcup: I don't think it really matters that much. I know DLC is horrible, but if it's just a load of pointless add-ons, like shinier guns or different coloured weapons, I'm not that fussed. There will always be someone who's desperate to rid themselves of money on something useless. A fool and his money are soon parted as the saying goes.
I find DLC more insidious when it affects the gameplay or it's pay-to-win on an MP game
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