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#1 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

[QUOTE="sixringz1"][QUOTE="KCKING23"]can you respect the damn man he is still the best quit being a hater


says the guy with the kobe bryant symbol. He's a great player i've never said otherwise. As for STILL the best, anybody with any objectivity won't agree with that one.

No lasting impression? now it's not about being clutch, but how good you look doing it? ok. What's Jordan's signature shot? the one in Utah that's it. That's the only one you ever see just like Kobes phoenix one. The fact is Kobe's BEEN clutch multiple times in the playoffs and the regular season. The Kobe hate won't ever die lol.

the Craig Ehlo shot just to name one. Step your knowledge up playboy. That shot WON the series. The shot over Russell WON the finals. the shot Kobe made they LOST the series. Try again. And what does this have to do with Jordan in the first place? Why are you so mad? Is Kobe your dad or something? It aint that serious

Go back and read my initial post i NEVER said he wasn't a clutch player i said he doesn't have a history of last second game winning shots in the playoffs. That doesn't mean he never had great games, or plays. I'm just stating the facts. Find me his signature playoff shot. What's so bad about this is that you got me bashing Kobe and i'm not even a kobe "hater" like a lot of people on here are. I actually enjoy watching him play.

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#2 sixringz1
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[QUOTE="Sik_kid_pk"] You sir, don't know what the hell you're talking about.

list of games

I never said he wasn't a clutch player, my point is when you see all the playoff highlights of great plays in NBA history he's nowhere to be found. You see jordan's shot over ehlo and russell, you see magic's sweeping hook across the lane in the finals, you see countless shots by robert horry, etc., where is kobe's SIGNATURE playoff highlight. Even with that list you gave me we're taking about a game where he made a couple free throws, and two games where he got an offensive rebound put back, another game where he made a shot with 40 seconds left. Come on now. I'm talking clock winding down, ball in his hands, down or tied, everybody in the arena knows he's gonna shoot it, and he makes a shot in the last couple seconds, not free throws, or offensive rebound put backs or shots with 40 seconds left. Where is his signature highlight in the playoffs? I can tell you exactly what it is. It's an alley oop pass to shaq against portland in 2000 western conf finals. That and the shot against phoenix are all you see. That's all i'm saying. You don't have to get all salty about it cause i'm right. It's not that serious

4 of those 7 "cluch playoff moments" were 2 free throws, two offensive rebound put backs, and a shot with 40 SECONDS left. you won't see any of those on playoff highlight reels. Nobody cares about free throws, or offensive rebound tip ins. The other 3 are fine, but they have no lasting impression. Nobody remembers those. They don't have any imprint in people's mind when it comes to NBA playoff history. That's all i'm saying. My point once again is as clutch as he is (AND I NEVER SAID HE WASN'T CLUTCH), where is his signature playoff shot? that's it

can you respect the damn man he is still the best quit being a hater

says the guy with the kobe bryant symbol. He's a great player i've never said otherwise. As for STILL the best, anybody with any objectivity won't agree with that one.
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#3 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts


to be fair as good as he's been it's not like the guy has a reel of last second playoff shots. He's got the one against phoenix in like 06 or 07 and that's really it. He's had big games don't get me wrong, but when you see highlights of all the great last second plays in nba playoff history, he's never shown cause there aren't any. Clutch games - yes, clutch last second shots - not so much


You sir, don't know what the hell you're talking about.

list of games

I never said he wasn't a clutch player, my point is when you see all the playoff highlights of great plays in NBA history he's nowhere to be found. You see jordan's shot over ehlo and russell, you see magic's sweeping hook across the lane in the finals, you see countless shots by robert horry, etc., where is kobe's SIGNATURE playoff highlight. Even with that list you gave me we're taking about a game where he made a couple free throws, and two games where he got an offensive rebound put back, another game where he made a shot with 40 seconds left. Come on now. I'm talking clock winding down, ball in his hands, down or tied, everybody in the arena knows he's gonna shoot it, and he makes a shot in the last couple seconds, not free throws, or offensive rebound put backs or shots with 40 seconds left. Where is his signature highlight in the playoffs? I can tell you exactly what it is. It's an alley oop pass to shaq against portland in 2000 western conf finals. That and the shot against phoenix are all you see. That's all i'm saying. You don't have to get all salty about it cause i'm right. It's not that serious

4 of those 7 "cluch playoff moments" were 2 free throws, two offensive rebound put backs, and a shot with 40 SECONDS left. you won't see any of those on playoff highlight reels. Nobody cares about free throws, or offensive rebound tip ins. The other 3 are fine, but they have no lasting impression. Nobody remembers those. They don't have any imprint in people's mind when it comes to NBA playoff history. That's all i'm saying. My point once again is as clutch as he is (AND I NEVER SAID HE WASN'T CLUTCH), where is his signature playoff shot? that's it

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#4 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts

to be fair as good as he's been it's not like the guy has a reel of last second playoff shots. He's got the one against phoenix in like 06 or 07 and that's really it. He's had big games don't get me wrong, but when you see highlights of all the great last second plays in nba playoff history, he's never shown cause there aren't any. Clutch games - yes, clutch last second shots - not so much

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#5 sixringz1
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I hate the Thunder's offense. They have ZERO ball movement every night. Even on their good nights their offense is relatable to the Atlanta Hawks. A whole bunch of dribbiling, none or one pass per possesion, and isolation one on one plays. The only difference is that Durant and Westbrook are better than anything the Hawks have so it masks that problem. Even when they look good it's because they are hitting every shot, or getting fast break points. They are a VERY average fundamental half court team. I don't know if that's on the coach, or if that's the personel, or what. But it's going to be hard to win a championship this year, or in the future, with the offense they run

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#6 sixringz1
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i don't know if it's a lack of bench or what, but in all 3 games the lakers have worn down in the 4th qtr. Who knew sasha voujacic and jordan farmar's energy off the bench would be missed so much

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#7 sixringz1
Member since 2004 • 1116 Posts


come on mont don't give up faith yet. but don't worry even if they do come back to win this series and win it all, "sixringz1-sixfinalsMVPs" will be waiting in the wings:D

Well, can't count on them winning it this year even if they beat Dallas (which they won't, unless Pau Gasoft wakes up out of his sleep walking, D. Fish gets about 10 years younger, Kobe's knees, fingers and years of wear and tear on his body gets miracously reversed, Phil gets out of the chair and starts actually making coaching adjustments..., did I mention Pau getting "a pair"!?)...anyway, yeah no faith in that stuff happening :cry:.

Oh well, it's been "real" watching the best, most complete, most versatile, exciting, dramatic, killer basketball player to ever lace em up,... KB!

MJ? ...He ah'ight ;)

I don't know it's the mavericks. If they were playing any other team i'd say they were done too. But this is like playing the red sox before 2004. You just knew they would choke. Maybe this isn't the same ol Mavs, but i have to see it to believe it.
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#8 sixringz1
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This is not the "same" Mav's team, I saw that in the Portland series. They are tougher, play better defense, probably hungrier and tired of all the "soft" talk and past failures and seem really focused.

The Lakers will probably win the next game, probably, but the curtain is closing on this team. They have to get younger and make other adjustments (like decrease the use of the triangle offense, imo). I saw it in several losses in the regular season, they tried but couldn't get the win, mostly due to being out-quicked (among other things).

But it's been a good run, especially for Kobe and Fisher. It happens to every team and player, nothing lasts forever. Maybe they will shock me and come back in this series, but I would be shocked.

Shame, I was looking forward to changing my name to "sixringztoo" !


come on mont don't give up faith yet. but don't worry even if they do come back to win this series and win it all, "sixringz1-sixfinalsMVPs" will be waiting in the wings:D

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#9 sixringz1
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being an alum i must say he's a great coach, but was an average, AT BEST, recruiter and that's why they weren't a top 10 progam every year. They had their moments, but with the talent around here it could have been better. Hopefully the next guy can recruit better. Gone are the days of getting solid players and keeping them for 4 years to develop them and having that equal championships. That 02 team was the perfect storm that comes around once a lifetime. It's all about recruiting. Calipari can't coach a lick, but he stays with a final 4 calibur program year in year out cause of his recruits

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#10 sixringz1
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This is the first time i've watched a Lakers game from start to finish this playoffs and they are in trouble. They look old and slow.I'm not even talking about being down 2-0 in the series. I'm talking how they lost. They weren't playing lazy or playing like they don't care, which is something they tend to do from time to time, they were playing hard. They were reallyleaving it all out there and it still wasn't enough. I still won't count them out but I don't know if that's cause of them, or my lack of confidence in the team they are playing. Maybe Tyson Chandler was right, maybe these "aren't the same old Mavs"