seeing as how he was the intended target in the Deront Williams murder a few years back you would think he wouldn't put himself in these type of situations anymore, even if it was a private domestic dispute
sixringz1's forum posts
To the Laker fans. I've been watching this series half heartedly but i've seen enough. Can somebody tell me what in the world has happened to pau gasol? Forget playing scared, he looks absolutely petrified. He's not hurt is he?
I was a big crash fan. Mario 64 was alright, but in my opinion not only Mario 64, but none of the Mario 3D games are as good as the 2D Super Mario's on NES/SNES
If you don't play it anymore and need the money for another system that you will play than yea you probably should. But not unless you have to. The reason i say that is cause growing up i used to sell my systems to get money for the new generation of systems (ie, sega genesis for money towards PS1). But if you hold onto a system for longer than one generation it almost becomes like a collectable and part of your childhood (at least it did for me). I never sold my original NES all those years. Then about 3-4 years ago i finally sold it. I hadn't played it in a while, but once i sold it, it was like i sold a piece of my soul. LOL! I know that's sounds a little exagerrated but you get the point.
What i'm saying is if you need to, go for it. But don't be shocked if you miss it after its gone and want to buy another one. I'm sure there are other people on these boards that know exactly what i'm talking about
of course they are, but to anyone who follows college bball this is nothing new. It's the same thing every year. The conference has like 75 teams in it and they always get the most tournament bids but yet at the end of the tourny it's never a big east team cutting down the nets.For as "great" as that conference is, they haven't won a title since 2004. Hell, to take it one step further, they haven't even had a team in the title game since2004.That's a long time ago considering how many teams they get in every year.
Then you have the old faithful ACC. Even in what everyone says is the "worst the ACC has been in 20 years" they still have 3 of their teams still alive. And all 3 will be favored (by vegas) to win their next games as well
I think it will eventually be the primary way of selling games but not the only way. It will be just like the music industry. The majority of music is downloaded from itunes or what have you, but if you want you can still buy CD's (hell you can even still buy vinyl). I think you will be encouraged by the manufacturers to download the games but if you really want a hard copy, i still think those will be available too at a lesser extent.
As for price, a new game has no business being anymore than 20 dollars, cause although you pay 60 for a new game now, at any point you can flip it and sell it on ebay and get half (or more) of your money back. I just sold a used, but mint copy, of Uncharted 2 on ebay for 40 dollars a year and a half after it came out. So in a way i feel as if i got my money back for that purchase. But if you download a game, there is no resale. You can't get any money back for that game after you've played through it a few times. That's why the price has to be cut dramatically for it to work.
Man i rambled on with this one. To answer your question, yes it's inevitable it's going that way. When and to what extent, who knows? but it will happen
Pittsburgh has got to be the most overrated annual top 10 team in the country. Every year it is the SAME EXACT thing. They are a top 3 seed and everyone sees them as the favorite to make it to the Final Four and they ALWAYS choke. not only don't they make it to the final four, they don't even come close. When will i learn.
Their bracket looked soooooo easy. U had Florida as a number 2 seed and they should have been more like a 3 or 4, you have byu as a 3 seed who lost their best interior defender and rebounder and have been shaky since he was dismissed, and then you have wisconsin as a 4 seed who can't score to save their lives. I thought it was a lock. I should of known, if it looks to good to be true it probably is.From here on out i will make a vow not toever pick them to win more than 2 games in the tournyno matter how high a seed they are, and how easy their bracket looks. It's like groundhog's day with them every year. I guess the only good thing is that 90% of everyone else in my pool picked them to be in the final four too so it's just a wash
Kevin Love's double/double streak comes to an end against, of all teams, the non D playing, run and gunning, Golden State Warriors. Only in the NBA. It was going to come to an end one day, but i would have never bet bet it would be against the Warriors, and i certaintly would have never bet that it was the points part of the double/double he fell short of. Golden State doesn't have the slightest clue how to play D
Uncharted is my favorite series this generation but lets be real, it's the 3rd installment on a 5 year old console. How big of a jump can we really expect? I think it will look outstanding, and more importantly be a great game, but i don't see the graphics dropping my jaw like they did when the first one came out, cause it will be more of a fine tooning of an already great looking game.
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