did anyone read the boxscore. he had 37 FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS. Are you kidding me? In college? They play 8 less minutes than they do in the pros. Even on one of the nights he decides to chuck it every time he gets the ball, kobe bryant doesn't even put up 37 shots in a game. You better scorebig if you shoot 37 shots
sixringz1's forum posts
You all are very nieve if you think they are crying cause they lost THIS game. They are crying cause for the first time they now see that they aren't good enough. They made all this hoop-la in the offseason about how they were going to win multiple championships and that they were a super team and they finally admitted to themselves that they aren't. They won't say that publicly of course, but you don't cry after a random game in the begining of March. That's what will cause the tears, the lack of belief in one self. They've had the excuses all year that "we need time to gel", and that was believable in November and December, but not now. You are who you are. You basically have 3 players that play the same position. 3 wing players. You don't have a center or a point guard. Wade and Lebron do exactly the same thing and bosh is, well he's chris bosh. A complimentary star. Even in a couple years when the celtics and lakers are on the downside, i see no way that team, as they are currently constructed, will ever beat the Bulls in the future. That is a TEAM constructed properly to win the championship in the near future, the heat aren't. Now with that being said, Pat Riley knows what he's doing, so he can make this team over in the offseason and get off this "we can plug anyone in with the big 3 and we'll win", and they might have a shot
As for which 2 cried, that's a process of elimination and a rather easy one at that. There are only 3 people on that team that have the weight of the world on their shoulders. I can guarantee it wasn't mike bibby, juwan howard, eric dampier, or whatever other johnny come lately. It was one of the big 3 (and maybe big Z cause he knows his career is over), you could bank on it.
too long for em. Need more size. That's why it still boggles my mind Boston got rid of Perkins. I don't care if they couldn't resign him next yr. Play for the present. That teams window is closing anyway
HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is a good one[QUOTE="-Halftime-"]LOL @ this trade form the Celtics standpoint:lol: Perk was a really good one on one low post defenderJaysonguy
Who didn't play
Does no one follow what goes on in Boston?
The man can not stay on the court, his body refuses to stay healthy
In the last 3 years the celtics have played 64 playoff games. Perkins has played in 61.5 of them (counting game 6 of the finals last yr where he got hurt as a half of a game). The regular season is irrelevant. They need him in the playoffs. You can ask the biggest Lakers fans in this forum and i will guarantee they say the difference between them winning last yr and losing was perkins getting hurt. I understand what you are saying about him not being on the court, but playing basically 62 of the 64 playoff games over the last 3 yrs tells me he will be there when it counts and Boston will miss him[QUOTE="sixringz1"]
Celtics just lost the title with that move in my opinion. Now you have to rely on 60 year old shaq and jermaine o'neal who can't stay on the floor as your inside presense. He was the best one on one low post defender on that team. He was the reason they didn't have to double Dwight Howard or Gasol/Bynum. Shaq will foul out in the first half trying to guard those guys. And for what, Jeff Green and Kristic. Where is Green going to play on that team. He'll get 15 minutes off the bench come playoff time. And Kristic, come on he's soft as a pillow. Worst trade i've seen in years. The heat players must be drooling with this news. Now they actually have a shot. Same with the Lakers
Agreed, don't get this at all.
Hey, a sixringz sighting, what's up buddy!? Ready for the 3-peat, aka "Kobe's reign of terror"!? That is if they can stop playing like wimps...
Not saying you all can't win but i would be shocked if you do (at least i thought that before this perkins trade). You all look old and slow and i'm not sure that's something that you can just fix. I actually like the heat to win it all now. Which is shocking, cause i haven't thought much of them all year. We'll see, maybe i'm overreacting
you guys are forgetting big baby davis.. thats going to be their man.
He's 6'6 who's he going to guard? lebron, kobe, etc? come on now. They got rid of a young 7 footer who is the best one on one interior defender in the leagueCeltics just lost the title with that move in my opinion. Now you have to rely on 60 year old shaq and jermaine o'neal who can't stay on the floor as your inside presense. He was the best one on one low post defender on that team. He was the reason they didn't have to double Dwight Howard or Gasol/Bynum. Shaq will foul out in the first half trying to guard those guys. And for what, Jeff Green and Kristic. Where is Green going to play on that team. He'll get 15 minutes off the bench come playoff time. And Kristic, come on he's soft as a pillow. Worst trade i've seen in years. The heat players must be drooling with this news. Now they actually have a shot. Same with the Lakers
you could see this coming a mile away. Graham had basically run his spot the last half of the season
Question for all: In your opinion do you think John Wall has been a bust so far?
It was a topic in a thread my cousin was telling me about and a majority said yes. I think he hasn't lived up to the ridiculous expectations that were placed before he was even drafted of course he has been injured for a bit of the season.
No way. i live in the DC area so i'm stuck watching a lot of wizards games. He was hurt for about a month so that hurt him. He can't shoot a lick but neither could Rose when he came in and you see how that has changed. Shooting is a skill you can work on. Number 2, at this point he is too fast for his own good. He's out of control a lot. Once he slows down a bit and improves his jumper he'll be an all star. He's averaging 15 and 9. That's great considering the flaws he has in his game that will EASILY be fixed with a couple years of experience under his belt.
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