My prediction is that everybody will die except Jack and Smoke Monster/Locke. Then they will be at ground zero all over again the way The Man in Black was with Jacob. The camera will pan out and it will only be those two left on the island. As for the "flash sideways", I think they ALL will be together somehow. Just a guess. For the longest time i thought the secret to the whole show was Jack's father, seeing as he would always pop up through the seasons, but then "smoke monster/locke" killed that theory. We'll see
haha, this is VERY similar to my theory, in mine some other people live (kate for instance) and she and others get off the island, smokey and jack are sitting on the beach
Looks like my prediction was half right. I said they would all be together in the "flash sideways". It also looks as if i should have stuck with my original thought that i had years ago, in that Jack's dad will be the key to the whole finale. And in part he was. I'm gonna watch Jimmy Kimmel and here what the writers have to say and how they explain it cause if anybody knows Kimmel (die hard fan of the show), he will ask all the questions we have. lol. Best series i've ever watched. And to think, the only reason i watched the first few episodes was cause i wanted to see how in the world they could do a DRAMA based on being lost on an island. This isn't a sitcom like Gilligan's Island. I thought the show would be done so quickly. But after the first episode i knew i was wrong, and i'm glad i was.
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