haven't seen the new yankee stadium, but camden yards is the nicest, however Fenway is the most historic and classic. And that always wins out
sixringz1's forum posts
absolutely not. No system this gen will go down as the best console in history, or even top 3 for that matter. There would have to be something drastic over the next couple years for that to happen. The wii will go down as one of the more successful and innovative but certaintly not the best. The 360 is better than the og XBOX but it's not better tha top systems from previous generations. And for the PS3, it's not better than the ps1 or ps2, so by that theory alone, there is no way it could be number 1
North by Northwest. Sort of a bourne identity without the phoney fight sequences and it has a little comic relief. Hitchkocks best movie IMO, and that's saying something cause he's made a lot of classics
i didn't know anybody with one, but i know i was all set up to get one. I was in my teens and enjoyed the genesis, and since that was the first "real" next gen system, i thought "of course i'll get this. it will be great". I was still young enough not to truly understand what 3rd party developers were, or other things like that. I just assumed it would be just like the NES, SNES and Genesis. Another great system. But i had a friend in school that was so insistant on this thing called the "sony playstation". After he beat it into my head for weeks about why i should get that system, i ultimately passed on the saturn and got a playstation. Needles to say it was a good decision. I still go to that friend to this day when it comes to video games. Crazy i can even remember that. lol
That was an honorary election 50 years after he was done playing, and 35 years after he died. None of those players are getting into the hall of fame in the year 2060. That is an isolated example that makes zero sense to me. Trust me, if his career merrited a hall of fame election it wouldn't have taken 50 years after he played to get in.Maurice Stokes played only three seasons before his career-ending injury. He's in the Hall of Fame.
oh he can get big minutes off the bench and score the same, but that team is now completely lost on the Defensive end. You have a 55 million dollar man on the bench while Rip is at the 2 and then when they want to play a 3 guard lineup, who is going to guard the 3. I mean in that conference alone you have the likes of lebron, pierce, granger, butler, you can even throw joe johnson in that mix. ALL of those players are the same height and AT LEAST 30lbs heavier than RIP. They will post him up and abuse that lineup. And if you have the 3 guard lineup in that means there is NO WAY prince could be in the game at the same time because he would have to play the 4 and he's waaaayyyyyy too frail to do that. So there goes your best perimeter defender. There is NO WAY i can see them going into this season with their roster set like it is now. I have to believe they will make more moves.^^He can still get big minutes coming off the bench, an awesome 3 guard rotation will help. They still need some of those fowards they drafted to work out to be contenders, Detroit really needs to start building commodities with the draft players.
Edit: Also keep in mind that they just drafted Prince the sequel in austin daye. This with gordon means that Prince and Ripper can be used for trade bait now, they are not irreplaceable like in the past.
And for Austin Daye, he is NOWHERE near the sequel to Prince. He may be around the same height and weight but he is a very poor athlete. He's already had 2 knee surgeries and has a limited vertical (and he's what, 20 years old). Prince can run and jump, and has far better footwork than Daye. Sequel? No. Poor Man's Prince? yes.
But i do agree with you for RIP and Prince being trade bait. Like i said earlier, there is no way this team can expect to be successful with the way they are currently constructed. There HAS TO BE more moves coming.
[QUOTE="sixringz1"][QUOTE="chAzN93"] he will obviously be their back up 2 but you know they will play him at 1 with rip at 2 alot chAzN93back up 2? So you go out on the first day of free agency and give a guy 11 million a year for 5 years to be a BACKUP? That makes ZERO SENSE. Either they are going to trade Rip or they have a roster that doesn't fit, and will be taken advantage of night in night out on the Defensive end well yeah i know thats alot of money NBA.com: "Ben agreed to come here knowing he would come off the bench," the source said. "That makes it completely different than Iverson coming here ... Gordon is choosing to come here and play the super sub role." Well more power to him. I personally don't understand that. But if he wants to sign a contract with a new team and come off the bench rather than starting somewhere else, than once again, more power to him. It makes no sense to me.
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