Just doing my duty for Truth, Justice and all that. Yeah there is some history there, but he came into the tale end of a discussion of the subject with some other dudes, although he claims not to remember,...oh, gotta keep this on the D.L.. As President and C,E.O. of the "MJ is the GOAT" co., sixringz patrols this site for any potential Jordan dis:lol:
Back to the subject. I have no problem with those in the Jordan camp, MJ had a BRILLIANT career. But, for example, considering Jabbar's prime along with his longevity which included....6 rings (2 different teams), 6 MVP awards (most in history), Rookie of the Year, 19 time all-star, 2 scoring titles, 4 time league leading shot blocker, took a team from 27 to 56 wins in his rookie year, was in the top 5 in 4 different catagories one year (pts, rbs, blocks, fg %), would have had 2-3 dpoty awards if they were giving them out then, good free throw shooter for a big man, was always a team player, had probably the most unique, indefensible, smooth, graceful shots in history, yet to be duplicated before or since..... (I could do the same for Wilt, Russell, Magic...)
Jordans better than this cat! ??? How do you conclusively say Jordan is better than Jabbar??? You can't , imo. Toss in the position difference and it's just impossible, isn't it, am I nuts here???? How do you put MJ over Jabbar without tearing down Jabbars efforts..."yeah, but that was back then, yeah but he was the first modern style big man, yeah but he had limited competition...etc. Do that to MJ and you're a "hater".
As far as Kobe is concerned as compared to MJ. IMO Kobe is at least as skilled as MJ. Kobe's the better ball handler, better long range shooter, better "foot work" (the best ever at his position, imo), as athletic, not far behind in defense, will and work ethic on par....etc. People have been looking for the next Jordan, he's been in the league for 13 years, imo.
Please give it up already. This debate ended a while ago and you keep on feeling the need toadd to it. Everybody has made their point OVER AND OVER AGAIN, but you keep beating the dead horse. The bottom line is unlike you, i give people their credit without saying the "yeah he's great BUT..." like you do EVERYTIME with Jordan. Hell look at this post. "MJ had a BRILLIANT career". Next sentence starts with what word..."BUT". You're like a broken record. It's obvious you hate him because you feel it necessary to backhand every "compliment" by adding the word "but" to all of them.In MY OPINION, and the opinion of the MAJORITY, Jordan is the best player ever. Does that mean other people can't make arguments for other players, of course not, but not at the expense of every other player in the discussion. Why when someone makes an argument for Magic, Russell, Kobe, Jabbar, etc. you don't attack them the same way you do jordan? PLEASE ANSWER ME THAT. I mean there are people on this board that argue that Russell is the best ever. There are people on this board that argue the Oscar is the best ever. There are people on this board who argue that Magic is better. And when i say argue i don't mean they simply say "I think Magic is the best", they go in depth and try to support their argument. Why don't you pick them apart? Let me guess, because NONE OF THOSE PLAYERS ARE JORDAN? Does that sound about right?
There's nothing wrong with doing something like that to make you're initial point but it's like you have some agenda with the way you come at Jordan.You talk about me being a Jordan lover. I don't create new topics dedicated to Jordan. Hell contrary to what you may think i don't even comment on half the topics that involve Jordan. I didn't comment on the guy PATRIOTS comments because i've made my point. I don't feel it necessary to keep arguing with everybody who doesn't share my opinion cause to tell you the truth, at the end of the day, i couldn't care less. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hell I didn't even comment on this thread until YOU asked me to. You on the other hand are on Kobe's jock harder than anyone on this board. You are the same guy that actually made a YEAR LONG "Kobe/Lakers" BLOG and you have the nerve to CLAIM TO BE A PACERS FAN. What is that? At least all the other Kobe lovers on this board ACTUALLY LIKE THE LAKERS.
Unlike you with Jordan, i don't hate other elite players INCLUDING KOBE BRYANT. I just don't think anyone in their right mind can say he's the best player ever when he's 30 years old and not close to the end of his career. In another 10 years everyone can revisit that subject, same with Lebron, and THEN make a more accurate assesment. Hell Tom Brady will PROBABLY go down as the best QB ever, and probably have the most Super Bowl wins for a QB, but nobody is going to say he's the "Best" right now. By doing that you are discrediting people like Marino, Montana, Elway, etc. by saying "hell Brady can retire now and he's the best qb ever". That's the same thing with Kobe, or Lebron for that matter. People who say he's the best ever are discrediting everybody else. Forget Jordan since you won't give him any REAL credit anyway, if someone says Kobe is the best player ever that is implying that he could retire RIGHT NOW, and NEVER PLAY ANOTHER GAME, and he's already a better player than Russell, Jabbar, Oscar, Magic, Bird, etc. That's nonsense. When his career is COMPLETE then it would be fair to compare him. Even me "THE HEAD OF THE JORDAN FAN CLUB" like you say, never said Jordan was the best player ever until he was retired and i could measure his ENTIRE BODY OF WORK
Everytime i see you post your putting up some other guys numbers just to discredit Jordan in some way. "Yeah he did that BUT... He was great BUT... He won championships and MVP's BUT...". If YOU don't think Jordan is the "best ever" COOL, that's your opinion, but why do you feel it necessary to ALWAYS try to diminish his accomplishments. It's all in good fun to do it from time to time, hell everybody does, but you are a broken record at this point and it's just getting tired cause you do it EVERYTIME.
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